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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Wild 'N Wacky Hair Day

Today was Wild 'N Wacky Hair Day at Primrose, so Lauren sat patiently while Mommy put in 7 different pony tails with every color in the rainbow ribbons! We tried to make Davis' hair "wacky" too, but he just doesn't have quite enough to do much beyond his normal 'stick 'em up' do.


Uncle Puck said...

Doesn't look too happy there, does she?

khuck said...

just being serious so that i could get all the "arms" of her hair in the photo. That is her "I am sitting still, Mama" look.

Kers said...

What a cool mom! She'll appreciate your hair talents in a few years if she doesn't already. How's the snow holding up down there?