Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, March 26, 2009


I got a phone call from Ladybug's school last night, about the time Todd was supposed to pick her up, letting me know that she'd had an accident and that I probably should come get her quickly in case she needed to go to the ER-- just the phone call that any parent wants to get, right??

Apparently Lauren and Bryson were fighting over a toy that she had, and well, our daughter just won't give in...ever (sound familiar?! ahem!). So Bryson threw it at her and it cut her eyelid. The school was concerned because it was already bruising and swelling (and bleededing. yuck!). It looked pretty nasty, but she was a good sport about it-- she's pretty tough! They've told us before that she is the only little girl in the class that plays like a boy with the boys and she ALWAYS wins. She definitely wanted some TLC and cuddles, but she was pretty calm about it all.

Bryson's dad was picking him up at the same time and I think he felt worse about it all than I did. What can you expect? 2 year olds trapped inside all day due to rain? Accidents are gonna happen...His dad is a sheriff's deputy...ya think Bryson had a rough night at home?? :) I think it was almost worse because he did it to a girl. And a pretty one at that.

This morning she saw it for the first time and it was even more swollen than the night before. She just laughed and kept going back to the mirror to check it out. Thank goodness she wasn't really traumatized by it all.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Poor Ladybug woke up last night at 3am with the nasty, tell-tale "bark" that is associated with croup. Fortunately she doesn't have the fever or the stridor (wheezing) that normally accompanies the cough, so they just said to keep an eye on her at night, using steam showers and night air alternatively to soothe her cough.

She must've overheard me telling Todd that I thought it sounded like she had croup. As I headed downstairs to google treatments, I overheard her asking him, "Daddy? What is crook means?"....awwww.

Spring 2009 School Pics

Lauren's Spring pics from school have arrived. I have such mixed feelings on them...for once they got our serious girl to smile....but did ANYONE notice that her hair was all a muck??? Come on, People!!!!!!!

Ladybug loves this doggie shirt from her Nana.

I do love that they managed to capture her true, genuine smile.

And, finally, her class photo. She is still one of the biggest kids in the class.
Now to decide, do I actually order these?

Pooping Goldfish

Yes, I am afraid it's another Poop Post. And, many of you faithful blog stalkers have already heard the story, but I am afraid that if I don't log it, it will someday be forgotten.

Since her birthday, Lauren has been very excited about using the potty. She asks many, many, MANY times a day to go the bathroom. In fact, her teacher finally asked us to bring in pull ups for her since she had a record 9 requests to sit on the potty in one day, and it would be infinitely easier to just pull up her diaper if it was still dry, etc. So that's the good news. The bad news is that it's still all phantom squats-- she's not ACTUALLY going to the bathroom.

A week or two ago she begged Todd to let her sit on the potty because she had to poop. I mean, the child was DESPERATE. So he sat her down, and walked away for a few minutes. Lauren sat for a bit and then got down. All of a sudden this small voice filled with wonder and amazement says, "Daddy...I pooped GOLDFISH!!!!!!!!". Todd had tossed two waylaid goldfish from the floor into the toilet. Lauren really thought the water-bloated fishies came from her.

We've had a good chuckle over this one for weeks!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I just got this picture via text message from Lauren's teacher. Apparently our little one played too hard this morning at school and fell asleep DURING lunch instead of AFTER lunch. Bless her heart! At least she wasn't face down in the food... Good thing it was pajama day at school so she's already dressed for some zzzzz's. :)