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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Random Summer Fun

Here is a compilation of moments from our summer:
Wacka, wacka, wacka! Funny girl.

The girls had a princess weekend at Mimi's for Labor Day. They got matching pajamas and Mimi's undivided attention for a whole weekend. They were in heaven!

Lauren checks out the shark's teeth at Bass Pro Shops.

Ladybug has changed so much this summer. She's really quite the little lady now-- no more toddler left in her!

As her guitar gently weeps...practicing for American Idol 2025. The girl takes her music VERY seriously.

Blowing bubbles one glorious Sunday afternoon.

Mimi got a paddle boat for her birthday. Lauren loves to ride around their lake.

Our little devil with a pitchfork!

Look at that sweet face. Love you, Davy!

Riding the swings with Daddy. Go Braves! who does this face remind you of? Daddy, of course!

Lauren dresses up for Princess Day at school .

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