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Monday, October 18, 2010

Easter 2010

Nana and Umpy came to visit (and to stay so Mommy and Daddy could get away to St. Simon's Island for a few days...). We really enjoyed their visit.
Look at that chunky monkey (note: I am referring to Davis, not Umpy!!). Since I am posting this all in major retrospect, I can really see how much he's changed since April!

Ladybug is baking brownies with Nana. Here she learns how to crack an egg. She really caught on quite quickly and had so much fun. The brownies were, of course, extra tasty!

Ya know, I think these taste pretty darn good...but let me taste it one.more.time....just to be sure! :)

Saturday night, Haylie came over to dye Easter eggs. Check out baby Jackson in Stephanie's belly...yup. He was bound to be a 9lber!! The girls really enjoyed picking out colors for their eggs, and checking on them to make sure they were just the right shade!

On Sunday, Todd's folks and sister's family joined us at the house for our Easter celebration. It was a happy houseful! Here the girls are still giggly at seeing each other. It was a beautiful, warm Spring day. The doors were open, we had good food, and great company. I love my two families!

We did overdose on fun at one point, and the excitement of so much company and events got to be too much for Lauren. Her sweet face when it crumples in tears gets me every time...

The four grandchildren love to spend time together, laughing and playing! They truly love each other, which is awesome to see!
Nana and Umpy stayed for a few extra days before making the hand-off to Mimi and PapaFish so that Todd and I could get away for a week in St. Simon's Island. We had such a relaxing trip and really enjoyed time to re-connect, talk without interruption or distractions, and just enjoy being together! Thank you to the grandparents for the gift of time of away!!

Me and My Honey....My! We look relaxed... :)

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