Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Davis turns ONE!!

Our William Davis turned one on June 3rd, 2010. The past year was full of so much fun, chaos, laughter, and love. He's a sweet boy who brings so much joy to those who know him. He's definitely a curious guy, but easy going, funny, and loves to make us all smile.

Playing with the trucks he got from Nana and Umpy after school.

We made a special banana cake for our chunky monkey on his actual birthday, since his party wasn't until the weekend. He definitely could tell something special was going on, but wasn't entirely sure of what all the singing and candles were for!

Check out the monkey cupcakes for his party!

He also had one great big cupcake that he could just dive right into!

Snuggling with Uncle Scott at his party.

Aunt Lisa and Lauren share a giggle.

Who are these two little giggle monkeys?!

A quick family photo op before digging into the special boy's cake!

He was pretty cautious and tidy about the whole thing.

But, all in all, he managed to get a good chunk. He didn't even need a bath afterward!
When we had our family portraits taken about 2 weeks before his birthday, I went ahead and had his 1 year photos taken as well. He's such a big boy now...

Thank you to all who were a part of our celebration!

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