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Saturday, January 26, 2008

UhOh...I Guess The Ivy League Is Now Out of the Question...

Well, our fiery little one got sent to the "principal's office" for the first time on Friday. According to the incident report they sent home with her and the lead teacher's re-telling of the story, Lauren has a tendency to "pat" at the babies faces in her classroom. She's not trying to hurt them when she hits them, she just doesn't get "gentle touch" quite yet...and she swatted (again, in a happy way) at Coleman's face. Apparently he didn't like it and swatted back, scratching the heck out of her face in the process (see below). He's around the same age and size, so I am sure it was a moment to see. They said she bawled like crazy! Todd said, "That'll teach her not to hit..." Oh boy!

Last night following the "incident":

And, again this morning after it had healed a tad:

So...ya think we are going to have our hands full with this little girl???


Kers said...

So what was Associate Principal Mr. M's at home discipline plan :) I'm sure Coleman "patted" first and the teachers just missed that part :) I love it that you had to sign your name on the slip.
We are trying to teach that with regard to our dog. Fortunately he just runs from her :)

Unknown said...

well if she needs a parole officer, i've got "connections" in the Racine office...

i'm so proud of our little black sheep!!