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Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

I trust that all my blog-watchers had a safe and happy New Year's Eve. We kept it pretty quiet around here. The extent of our hoopla was a Sam's Club run earlier in the day, then a trip to Walmart for a specific kind of sippy-cup that Miss Lauren will actually use (thanks for the tip, Aunt Lisa!). Seriously...that was all we really did. Todd and I watched the final of the three Bourne movies-- he got a rockin' box set of the trilogy from my parents for Christmas. Then we went to bed. I believe the entire Marschke clan was asleep by 10:15 pm. Todd's been sick with a sinus infection, Lauren is on a no-holds barred sleep routine that we are hesitant (and unwilling) to disrupt. SO there you have it. An exciting start to 2008!

Yes, that is Miss Lauren HOLDING HER OWN BOTTLE (YAY!!!)
Today, Sicky slept until 12:30 or so. Lauren and I had a pretty basic morning routine: bottle, play, food, play, diaper, nap, then again. Ahhh, the joy of it! She and Todd watched some college football while we are waiting for the Sugar Bowl to begin (Hey! Did you know you can't spell sUGAr without UGA? Just some Univ. of GA humor for all you Big 10 fans out there. Teehee!).

2007 certainly was a mixed bag for us, but looking at our biggest blessing in the last year as she grows, learns, and amazes us daily, makes all the valleys of the year pale in comparison. Our greatest wish for all our loved ones, near and far, is for a happy, healthy, and blessed 2008.

Kate. Todd. and Lauren

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