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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

"Grown Up Time"

Todd and I had a chance to get away for a long weekend at the end of November. Our friends, Robert and Christy, were married in an intimate wedding in Charlottesville, VA. We got to explore the Thomas Jefferson house-- Monticello-- and the James Monroe farm -- Ashlawn. Our bed at our hotel (props to the Hilton Garden Inn- Charlottesville!!) was heavenly. We slept so well. We missed our little ladybug, but it was great to get away and reconnect...just the two of us!
Here we are looking out over Jefferson's gardens at Monticello (mont-i-chello for anyone keeping score).

Monticello decorated for the holidays. Truly an amazing American landmark!

1 comment:

Kers said...

Dr. Lisio would be so proud :) What a beautiful time of year to be there. I'm envious.