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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas Morning!

We hope that everyone had a blessed, happy, and SAFE Christmas! Santa spoiled us all rotten this year. A big shout out to our family and friends from so far away...your cards, packages, and love have been flooding us for weeks now. You are too good to us!
I didn't take as many pictures this year because we were lucky enough to get a new video camera from Mimi and Papa Fish, so I spent the morning navigating the new camera. Lucky for all you blog watchers, now my video clips will have SOUND!!! Give me a day or two to figure out how to load them up and I'll share a few from Christmas morning.

As a bonus, here are some pictures from Lauren's first Christmas Eve:

We had the Huck Family Christmas on Christmas Eve morning, and opened the packages from my parents, Paul and Kelly, and Sarah. Here is Lauren trying on her new hat and mittens from Nana.

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