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Monday, December 20, 2010

Visit with Santa -2010

We took the kids to see Santa at Perimeter Mall. There was a wait list, so we ate some lunch, did some browsing, etc., while waiting for the call that Santa was ready for us. Naturally, the warm mall, and all the busy-ness put Davy to sleep just as we approached the front of the line. Woudl this bode well for his first visit w/Mr. Claus?? As he woke up, we asked him if he wanted to see Santa. His response?, " No, NO!". However, he sat on his lap and just kind of looked at everyone involved, as if to say, 'Are you people for real?!".

This Santa was so wonderful. When we walked up he said, "Lauren! I've been wondering when you were going to come and see me...". She was tickled pink! She thought for sure he remembered her from our earlier visit to the mall around Thanksgiving when he waved at her! :)

1 comment:

Kers said...

He does look a bit stunned and she is the seasoned pro :) Great memories!