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Monday, September 28, 2009

Little Mommy

Davis woke up around 2am last night and was clearly just out of sorts. The big boy has been sleeping through the night (10- 11 hours straight) for well over a month now, so it was strange that he needed any more attention than just finding his pacifier for him. I changed his diaper and went back into our room, only to hear him fussing, yet again. When I went back into his room, I discovered Lauren trying to climb into his crib crooning, "Shhhhh....Shhhh...It's ok, Buddy. You are ok!".

That little mommy moment was such a sweet "awwwww" moment. I almost didn't care that both kids were up at 2am. Almost. :)

1 comment:

Kers said...

So glad you wrote it down. That brother/sister bond is so precious and it sounds like Lauren has a great teacher :)