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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Like a Butter's Dream

Lauren's version of Row, Row, Row Your Boat this morning went a little something like this:

Row Row Row Your Boat
Gently Down the Stream
Merrily Merrily
LIke a Butter's Dream
She was pretty insistent when I tried to tell her the correct words that, well....I was completely crazy and completely wrong. That's my child, certainly. :)

1 comment:

Clare Burgess-Mork said...

Oh I am laughing out loud right now--more about how you try to correct her and she insists she is right. Let me tell you that sense only gets stronger as they get older . . . I was trying to tell Caroline that you don't say "writed" you say "wrote", but wasn't worth my time outside a local grocery store to get into it right then. Sigh, girls are so strong-willed aren't they? We will be happy about this later in life I am sure . . . for now it just tires me out. I promise to try and call you within the next week--miss you tons! xo, clare

PS--boys are easier in my opinion--haha!