Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Poor Ladybug woke up last night at 3am with the nasty, tell-tale "bark" that is associated with croup. Fortunately she doesn't have the fever or the stridor (wheezing) that normally accompanies the cough, so they just said to keep an eye on her at night, using steam showers and night air alternatively to soothe her cough.

She must've overheard me telling Todd that I thought it sounded like she had croup. As I headed downstairs to google treatments, I overheard her asking him, "Daddy? What is crook means?"....awwww.

1 comment:

Kers said...

Hey - hope you had a better night last night. Was she home from school yesterday too? Each of my kids get it once a winter it seems. No fun!