Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, January 23, 2009

Boy, oh Boy!

It's official...we are having a BOY this time around. Both the ultrasound tech and the doctor chuckled when we asked them to verify just one more time, as they showed was quite obvious when you knew what you were looking for/at. The last triple-check (thank you Dr. Matsumoto for humoring us...), our son was grabbing his "junk". SO...yep, definitely a boy! :)

Here is a profile shot of him. They took lots of pictures for us, but Baby Boy was moving around so much that in most of them, unless you were there, you won't really know what you are looking at.

I will have a follow-up ultrasound in 4-5 weeks to confirm that some cysts have disppeared on their own by week 25, as the doctor predicts, so we are sure to have more photos to share at that time!

Estimated weight was 13 ounces, and length is about 6.5 inches from head to hiney! He looked beautiful--- all his organs appear to be functioning as they should, all his fingers and toes were present and accounted for, his legs are growing nice and straight, etc. All the signs we wanted to see. He's is quite the mover and shaker (and y'all thought Lauren was a busy girl...what do we have in store?!), and is seated quite low, which explains the very frequent trips to the bathroom that are still occuring...he's kicking me in the bladder on a very regular basis!

Thanks for all your thoughts, prayers, and well wishes while we awaited the news!


Spin Mama said...

Yea! Congratulations! Can't wait to live your new adventure along with you -- well, in cyberspace, but still.

Uncle Puck said...

Horray! Now I have a nephew to corrupt, er... teach ... yeah, that's it!

Kelly and I are thrilled for you three. Congrats!

~ Paul and Kelly Huck

Noelle said...

Congrats, Kate!! That's such wonderful news!! So happy for you and Todd ;)