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Sunday, August 10, 2008

A Scary "First"

Early Saturday morning, Lauren had her first visit to the hospital. About 1am we heard her whimpering in bed. After checking on her several times, Todd brought her to bed with us. She was shaking, but was cool to the touch. After some debate we went ahead and gave her a normal dose of Tyelenol. Around 3am or so her leg brushed mine and she was sooooo hot! Only minutes later, she began having a febrile seizure (ie. fever-induced seizure). Arms, legs, and head were all twitching, her eyes rolled back into her head. It was the scariest 30 seconds or so of our lives! Afterward, she was so out of it--- eyes wandering, no one home, glazed.

We called the doctor's office, who, after a series of questions, concurred with us that she had seized, and because it was her first, asked us to take her to Atlanta's Children's Hospital at Scottish Rite. Once there, she got lots of poking, prodding, and tests (much to her dismay!). After her bloodwork showed elevated white blood count, they were uncertain if the spike in temps were due to a bacterial infection, or from the seizure itself. As a safety precaution, they gave her a 24 hour dose of antibiotics and sent us home. We got home about 8am or so, after a long, scary night. After a nap or two, she was back in business.

The ER doc did tell us that she is more likely to be prone to them now so we'll have to be more aggressive about treating even low-grade temps until she's about 5 or 6 and outgrows this. Anything under a 5 minute seizure is normal for febrile seizures (Yes, folks-- 5 mins. I cannot even imagine how long that feels!!!!!!). I had them as a child, as did Todd's sister, and they tend to "trend" in families. We are taking her for a follow-up visit today to check on viral vs. bacterial infection. She's definitely a-ok today, but it was quite a scare!


Kers said...

Couldn't stop thinking of you all! Hope everything checked out great today and that you and Todd get some naps before the first day of school tomorrow :)Give that sweetheart a hug from me. Love, Kers

HoltonFamily said...

Kate, I cannot imagine the fear you guys were feeling when you witnessed her seizure. I have thankfully never experienced that with any of the kids but I have read about them. I know I would have freaked out! I am so glad she is ok and I hope she doesn't have one again, hopefully it was "A Scary First and Last!!".
Take care!

Uncle Puck said...

I honestly don't remember you having those, Kate... but then I was young too.

I'm glad that everything is A-Okay!

And yes, love the pig-tails too!

Clare Burgess-Mork said...

Wow that is very scary!!!! I am SO relieved she is doing so well now. Though have never experienced these personally have seen them when working with kids and they are very scary. So happy she is on the mend. Not a first I'm sure you enjoyed experiencing.

Thinking of you, Todd and Lauren of course!

Jazz's Little Buddies said...

Kate, I'm so sorry to hear you all had to go through that. I'm sure you were terrified. Our neighbors son had a seizure a month ago or so too. Very scary. Take care.