Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Partying Like Rock Stars..

...or more like 'past-our- partying- prime- professionals' (how's THAT for alliteration?!) with lots of babies, toddlers, etc., around! :) I think it was definitely more sippy cups and matchbox cars, than champagne and limos. We decided very last minute to have a cook-out on Saturday, so we sent an email out to our circle of friends from Todd's childhood years, and the majority of them were able to join us. We had a great time and wonderful weather. Todd set up the badmitton net, and the Tournament of Champs continued from an earlier bout.

Look at their form, their concentration!

Jamie and Steph brought Haylie over for her debut at the cookout. She's a great little snuggler. Lauren adored seeing the "Baba" (read: Baby), and wanted to help swing her, pat her, whatever the little one needed.

We had to a work a bit on "Gentle Touch". (Side note: check out those toned arms on Mommy! Yeah! That's what happens when you lug around a 3o-lber all the time.)

Oooh! Ooh! Look at the Baba. She was so interested and excited and curious about this sweet little thing.

Oh Lauren wanted to touch baby Haylie SOOOOO BAAAAD!

Giving Haylie a little push on the swing. So proud of herself for 'helping'...

Steph and Haylie (Mom and Mini-Me)
They are both looking great at 6 weeks post-delivery!


Kers said...

Looks like great weather! and your arms are fabulous. Is she really 30 lbs? When is her 15 month appt.? Gentle touch is a tough concept even for little girls with a dog aka mine :)

HoltonFamily said...

Make sure everyone knows that Holton and Huckaby were the undisputed badminton champs...

khuck said...

Duly noted, Mr. Holton, though...rumor has it you may have used your first born as a distraction to clinch the win...I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin'...
