To all the lads and lassies out there who are our Irish kin...and for those who only get to pretend to be Irish once a year....Happy Saint Patrick's Day!
Happy St Pattys Day!!! Just remembering the great times we had celebrating St Pats in Cedar Rapids and Chicago while you were living in Iowa. Too cold to stand outside this year for the parade. I'll be watching it from the comfort of the conference room!
It can be hard to live so far away from family and many friends, but thank goodness for the internet! Now with this magical blog, I can keep you all up-to-date on our comings and goings, especially now that we have our two little ones keeping us (pre)occupied. :) I hope you enjoy reading my postings and viewing the latest and greatest snapshots of the kiddos...and remember, if the cold hard world gets you down, we have plenty of room for visitors. Y'all can make a visit down South to see us...XOXOX
Happy St Pattys Day!!! Just remembering the great times we had celebrating St Pats in Cedar Rapids and Chicago while you were living in Iowa. Too cold to stand outside this year for the parade. I'll be watching it from the comfort of the conference room!
I'll give her a proper Irish welcome in 20 years! Lauren, here's yer shot...
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