Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

6-month Stats and other milestones

Lauren had her 6 month well baby visit today. Dr. Leonard gave us an A+ and asked if Lauren had progressed past the recommended Stage 1 fruits and veggies and on to pork chops! (smile)

Her stats:
Height- 28.5 inches- greater than 95th percentile
Weight- 20.lbs 10 ounces - greater than 95th percentile
Head circumference was 95th percentile

So once again our not-so-little one was off the charts in height and weight! The good news is that her weight is proportionate to her height, so the doctor was not concerned.

Then tonight I think Lauren was just being a show off....either that or they put something funny in those shots she got this morning! She was rolling back and forth both directions---a skill she has already mastered, but rarely can be bothered to go from her front to her back, started lunging to grab her toy, and decided to throw out not one but two "Dada's" for Todd and me. As always, she continues to amaze us daily!

She had her first set of "school" pictures taken today, so I'll be sure to post once we get copies/

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