Our little big guy turned 10 months old over Easter weekend! He's finally nailed a normal crawl, and immediately progressed to pull up to a stand on ANYTHING (chairs, tables, people's legs, etc.). Todd and I went away for a few days to go to St. Simons Island, and when we got back he was cruising on furniture, and will even stand for a few seconds on his own. Amazing!
He's got a curious mind, and acts on his curiousity CONSTANTLY. The half-hearted baby-proofing attempt for Lauren will not do with this child. We picked up some 'new and improved' locks for doors, drawers, and the like this weekend. Now just need to get them all installed before we can let Davis on the loose! :)
He's chattering up a storm, with the only words for certain: Dada, Duck, and Lala (which is how he says Lauren). He continues to be a happy, easy-going child. He's very determined to leave baby things behind. He drinks out of a sippy cup, loves "real food"-- no more of this baby stuff! We had to put up his swing and bouncy seats earlier this year because he significantly out-weighed the limits on them, so the only contraption left is the exersaucer, and he makes no bones about the fact that he's feeling trapped in it, so that's only a matter of time before we put that up too.
He still favors his Daddy, especially in the eyes, but seems to have a touch of red hair, compliments of Mommy.