Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Lordy Be...Lauren's Three!

On Sunday, Ladybug officially turned three! She is such a big girl now-- potty trained, polite, very verbal, and a fantastic Big Sister. She's developed a fun personality, and has a wonderful sense of humor. She brings so much laughter and fun to our lives. It's been a trip to explore the world anew through her eyes.
Today she had her 3 year check up. Everything is right on track, meeting all the expected developmental milestones and then some. She has finally slowed down on the growth charts, though the doctor said that she's going to be quite tall. Shocker, right?! :)
Height: 39 inches - 85th percentile
Weight: 36 lbs - 90th percentile

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Lauren's First Solo Run on the "Slopes"

Lauren bravely faces the Cunningham Slope in her first solo run on the sled!

Let It Snow!

Lauren had fun playing outside with her Daddy and the next door neighbor, Megan.

She LOVED the snow. After one quick run around the yard, she naturally had to use the potty, so she came back in and we had to unwrap her, then wrap her up again to head out in the cold!

Todd taught her how to make snowballs and snow angels.

My Sweet Babes

William Davis, age 8 months

This shot of Davis is a repeat from his 7 month photos, but when we saw the shot of Lauren from her 3 year pictures, I couldn't resist posting them again. I actually ordered them both in the sepia to frame together. Todd and I feel so very blessed with these two gifts that are our children. They are a ton of work, but the giggles, hugs, and (wet) kisses make all the sleepless nights, or frustrating times worth it ten-fold.

Lauren Elisabeth, age 3

Valentine's Day 2009: The Photo Shoot

The obligatory photo shoots for Lauren's 3rd birthday and Davis' 8 month anniversary coincided with Valentine's Day, so we decked out the kiddos in their red and white.
Lauren was so great about following the directions of the photographer, and helping out w/Davy's session too!
We loved this one-- she's really getting to be such a big girl!

We hadn't had the kids pictures taken together since Davis was just 4 weeks old. These two truly adore each other.

Sweet tootsies!

My big 8 month old! He is ready to go mobile any day now. We are bracing ourselves, as he is extremely curious about the world around him.

Always ready with a smile!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Wild 'N Wacky Hair Day

Today was Wild 'N Wacky Hair Day at Primrose, so Lauren sat patiently while Mommy put in 7 different pony tails with every color in the rainbow ribbons! We tried to make Davis' hair "wacky" too, but he just doesn't have quite enough to do much beyond his normal 'stick 'em up' do.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Davis - 8 months

Our Little Big Guy is 8 months old already! Every day he's exploring new things and discovering new tricks. He can almost clap his hands (his fingers touch, but it doesn't make a noise yet), he loves to stand up, holding on to things, but only for a few moments. He is a constant chatter, bang, and clatter. Not quite so delicate (like our daughter was) when he plays -- definitely more rough and tumble! We got his mid-year assessment back from preschool and he has hit all his milestones....except rolling over! Apparently that's a bit more work that our chunky monkey can handle. :)
Davis currently weighs in at 25lbs and some change. He is just over 30.5 inches long.
He continues to bring joy to each of us. His face lights up with a genuine smile when ever he sees anyone he loves. Lauren adores him and loves to cheer on his newest accomplishments.

Too Smart for Her Own Good...and Ours!

Our Ladybug has turned from the girl who would eat just about anything to the pickiest of eaters, especially when it comes to her fruits and veggies. Currently she will ONLY eat strawberries, pineapple, and green beans. So, in an attempt to outwit her, Todd and I had a conversation about our nephew within earshot of Lauren.

Mommy: "Daddy- you know who just LOVES broccoli? JONATHAN. He just can't get enough of the stuff!"

Daddy: "I know, Mommy. I am so proud of him for eating his broccoli!"

Silence. Then....

Lauren: "Well, I am proud of MYself for eating cereal and mac n' cheese".

'Nuf said!!!!