Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, December 21, 2009

Ho! Ho! Ho!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from my little elf! She's been such a good girl in 2009 and such a great big sister. I hope Santa is extra good to her this year...from what I can tell, that's definitely going to be the case. :)

Friday, December 18, 2009

First Haircut(s)

I have been so nervous to cut Ladybug's hair "just in case" her beautiful curls were not the result of naturally curly hair, but mere baby curls. It had gotten so long, and was really looking raggedy on the ends, so I finally convinced her (and me!!) that it needed to be reshaped, trimmed, etc.

She was nervous, but only whimpered a bit. I realized afterward that my hands were clenched so tight until it started to dry and curl right up. WHEW! Naturally curly hair, after all. :)

Todd and I were amazed at how much bounce and body just a slight trim (maybe 1/2 inch) provided! It looks so much healthier now.
Davis, on the other hand, has SO MUCH MORE hair than Lauren ever did! She didn't really start having hair until 15 months or so. His little chick fuzz has been creeping over his ears so we decided his first trim was about due too. (Note to the worriers out there: the scissors are snub-nosed, and I immediately dropped the camera to help secure the child, provide safety, etc! No children were harmed in the photographing of this milestone!)

Check out those thighs. Aren't they DELICIOUS?!?!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Davis: 6 months!

We can't even believe that our little boy is 6 months old!!! He showed off all his new tricks at his well baby visit. The doctor said he's a big, healthy boy and she was pleased with all his milestones (sitting up, doing well with a nice variety of baby foods, babbling in consonants -- his faves are Tatatatatata and Dadadadada-- rolling over both directions, and lots of reaching for things that he wants). He was a real trooper until it was time for all his shots. He got 2 in each leg, plus an oral vaccination. Poor baby!!

Height: 29 1/4 inches greater than 95th percentile
Weight: 22lbs and 8 oz. greater than 95th percentile

His little personality is starting to come out!
He's very easy-going, and quick to laugh with (or at!) any one of us!
He looks in wonder at everything. He's very curious. We suspect we will have our hands full when he gets mobile. He'll probably be into EVERYTHING!

We love you sweet boy! May the next 6 months be as fun as the first...