Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, September 28, 2009

Little Mommy

Davis woke up around 2am last night and was clearly just out of sorts. The big boy has been sleeping through the night (10- 11 hours straight) for well over a month now, so it was strange that he needed any more attention than just finding his pacifier for him. I changed his diaper and went back into our room, only to hear him fussing, yet again. When I went back into his room, I discovered Lauren trying to climb into his crib crooning, "Shhhhh....Shhhh...It's ok, Buddy. You are ok!".

That little mommy moment was such a sweet "awwwww" moment. I almost didn't care that both kids were up at 2am. Almost. :)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Hat Day!

Today is Hat Day at Primrose, so both kiddos have on their favorite ballcaps. Lauren is, of course, dressed for Tuesday Dance Classes. Davis has on a grey tee with blue jeans...he looks just like his Daddy on a Saturday!

Davis - 3 months

Our sweet boy is 3 1/2 months already! Time is just flying. We noticed he seemed to be getting heavier as of late, so we weighed him in the 'super scientific' manner of weighing mommy, then adding Davis to see the difference in pounds on the scale. The results? 18.5 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep in mind this was 10 days ago, so I can only imagine what the weigh-in would look like now. He's gotten a lot longer too, but we haven't measured him. Our chunkey monkey is almost too big for his infant car seat! Wowza.


I think he looks so much like Todd's baby pictures in this shot. Something about the expression in his eyes...
"...and it jiggles when he laughs like a bowl full of jelly"
Ain't that the truth, Happy Boy!

We love his fly-away, stick 'em up hair!
Oh so soft...

Ahhh...nothing sweeter!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Goin' on a Hog Hunt...

Todd had a chance to go on his first 'hog hunt' on the full moon in September. Davis wore his own camo in solidarity w/ his Daddy, in hopes we'd have lots of yummy pork to eat. No such luck!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Ballerina Girl

Ladybug starts dance classes today. To the Pointe dance school sends an instructor (Ms. Pennie) over to Primrose to teach ballet, jazz, tap, and "manners" (what a hoot!). The nice part is that it's during the day so we don't have to worry about coordinating schedules to get her there. They also have them wear black leggings and a pink tshirt with the dance school logo on it. We simply dress her in that on Tuesdays,, and send her off to school-- no messing with tights and leotards for now!

This weekend we had a Girls Day Out and ran errands together. We hit the post office and talked about letters, stamps, and how that all works. Then we went to the library where Lauren discovered the joy of checking out books. However, the crowning glory for her was picking out her ballet and tap shoes! We had specific instructions from Ms. Pennie to get pink ballet shoes and black tap shoes. Lauren wanted to try them on for Daddy as soon as we got home!

Look at her move those hips!

I don't think she really realized how the taps worked when we were at the store. She loved marching around the kitchen to hear her shoes making noises!

Can't wait to hear about her day and her first dance classes. She's been telling aunts, uncles, grandparents, and friends that she's going to be a ballerina! There is a receital in May-- I'll be sure to have the video camera charged and ready for that treat...


The director of Lauren's school took a few moments to share some pics from this morning of our tiny dancer. She was concentrating SO HARD!

look how she points her toes! A natural...
Update #2: Her first day in her official dance class uniform!