We are proud to announce the birth of our son, William Davis Marschke!
Davis, as he is called, was born at 8:59am ET on Wednesday, June 3, 2009. For you "numbers people" his birth date is 06-03-09 (or 6 + 3 = 9)....for whatever that's worth! He weighed in just one ounce more than his older sister at 8lbs 2 oz.. and measured 21 inches long. He was nine days early.
Labor and Delivery was a tad more chaotic this go-around, as Lauren was calmly induced. I went into labor around 1:30 am, and he arrived a short 7 1/2 hours later. After some hiccups (contractions 3 mins apart by 4am, almost missing the epidural window, said epidural wearing OFF--- YES, people!!, and a second and third epidural numbing me from chest down) he decided to make his presence known, despite the lack of the dr. A random midwife was called in to deliver Davis as the dr was still 5 mins away and, well, it was time, since he was crowning and his blood pressure was quickly dropping. Only a few pushes later and he essentially fell out into the world, just as the dr walked in the room.
He's been a delightful baby thus far-- super easy (knock on wood!!). He is a great eater and sleeper. Doesn't seem to have his days/nights mixed up. Is now awake for 2 or three stretches during the day of an hour or so at a time, and merely checks out the world around him (and the antics of his older sister!!) with his big blue eyes! Lauren adores her baby brother, even though he has "chicken legs" and can't seem to do much quite yet. She is tickled by every sound, movement, or hiccup the baby makes. She did, however, take things out on her Mommy and Daddy for a day or two. Her adjustment was definitely complicated by a nasty cold/cough/pink eye combo, the latter of which she shared with her brother. That was a fun first week, to say the least! But, she's doing so much better now, and is for the most part, back to the sweet little girl that we've known. I guess you could say her antics are now typical for a 2 1/2 year old, vs a 2 1/2 year old who is also coping with a new sibling!! :)
Enjoy our son as much as we do. And, it's ok to stare at his sweet face. That's pretty much what Todd and I do all day long, so he's used to it.