Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, May 18, 2009

Catch and Release: A First Fishing Experience

Todd took Ladybug on her very first fishing trip on Sunday. First they made a quick stop at Bass Pro Shops so Lauren could pick out her very own fishing rod. She wisely selected Barbie with a light up handle (natch!). Then they headed out to Mimi and Papa Fish's house in Loganville to check out the action on their lake. She loved EVERY thing about it-- picking out a live cricket, casting, reeling in her catch, petting the fish, and throwing it back in. Just check out the pure joy on her face...I think Daddy was equally happy that she loves it as much as he does. His own little fishing buddy...
Note: The photos are not in any particular order (pure laziness on my 9 months pregnant part. I am sure you can all find room in your hearts to forgive my lack of ooompf on a dreary Monday morning!).
So proud!
She told Daddy tht the fish felt like soap. I translated this to mean slimy. I thought it was a pretty wise observation for a 2 year old!
Just pure happiness!

Look at the concentration on her face...

"Like this Daddy?"

"I think I am getting the hang of this...."

Daddy gives his newest protege some tips

Getting out the cricket-- no squirming!

Check out my Catch!

Showing off their afternoon's work

Friday, May 15, 2009

Nothing Tips a Cow Like Wisconsin

Nana found this FANTABULOUS cow tshirt at the Ben & Jerry's in Athens and couldn't resist giving her GA grand-daughter some WI-related gear.
Here Lauren stands in her kitchen, pondering the age old question, "What should we have for dinner tonight?" :)

Kate's Graduation- Class of 2009

Well, as many of you know, I FINALLY did it and completed my Master's degree! I graduated on Saturday, May 9, 2009 from the University of Georgia with an M.Ed in Human Resources and Organizational Development (HROD). It's been a long journey (only 4 years to complete a 2 year program!), but filled with many other exciting milestones in between (i.e. 2 pregnancies and one birth, one pending...). My mom was able to fly in from Wisconsin to celebrate with us. We kept my dad posted with pics sent via iphone, emails, and phone calls.

The graduate and her Ladybug in full UGA gear! They even took a similar shot to this one for what we think is the UGA Alum magazine.

Lauren sits on one of the many Uga's placed around Athens. You can see the infamous "arches" in the background. We elected not to wait in line for the obligatory arches photo, given my very pregnant state. :) This background shot will have to do!

Lauren on the car ride to Athens. Nana had to fix the buttons on her UGA dress, so there was a brief period that she was naked (minus the bloomers with the dog paws on them). Todd wondered aloud about the fact that on his only daughter's first trip to Athens she was going topless...a foreshadowing of wild college days to come? We sure hope not!

Our Family, post-ceremony. Yes, that is relief on my face...relief to be done, relief that I could unzip the hot polyester gown and let my belly breathe!

For all you blog stalkers that complain that I never have any pictures of myself on Kat's Cradle. This one's for you...belly and all!

Lauren and Todd exploring downtown Athens.
A very heartfelt thank you to all my family and friends that have been my cheerleaders throughout this process. I couldn't have done it without your help (babysitting, brainstorming, a listening ear when I needed to vent) or encouragement. An extra big shout out to my Love who told me I could NOT quit after having Lauren, and made sure he did whatever was needed to keep me on the road to graduation. You's the best, Todd! xoxox.

Now we have an official Bulldog in da HOUSE!!!!!!! Go Dawgs! Sic 'em! :)

Ladybug's First Baseball Game

Todd's school sang the National Anthem at the Braves v. Cardinals game on April 25th. We had awesome seats, and Lauren got to experience her first professional baseball game. She loved it all. We watched batting warm-ups while Daddy corralled the choir members. Lauren picked up on the ballpark happenings in no time. She had a hotdog and lemonade and called it a night about the middle of the 6th inning. We are looking forward to seeing a game or two at the new stadium for the Gwinnett Braves

Lauren explores our row on the first baseline

Lauren checks out Turner Field and gets the lay of the land.

"Where's my Daddy? I want a hot dog!"

Mini-Shiloh Get Together

Lauren hangs on the monkey bars for the first time. She loved it ("Again, Daddy.").

We were there....not sure where YOU were! There was a mini-Shiloh High School gathering at Stone Mountain Park. The Marschke's, Mann's, and Crunkleton's all met up at the kid's zone for some fun in the sun. The kids all played while the adults ate and caught up. I think I managed to get pics of the children. For those fellow alum who blog stalk Kat's Cradle, you will just have to show up at the next event to see the grown-ups (save Joey, who managed to sneak in one photo, since he's holding Dylan!)...

Our tom boy holding a football. She's got a nice toss and a great grip.

Flirting with Austin-- girly-girl who loves football. What more could he want?!

Lauren meets a new furry friend. BUT, alas, he's not a YELLOW dog, which is what she keeps reminding us is what she really wants.

Haylie is marching every where these days. She's getting to be such a big girl!!

Dylan and Joe, chillin' out in the shade by the picnic tables.