Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, October 27, 2008

A Halloween Preview and Postview from the Archives

Here is Todd as a bunny with Lisa as a beauty quean.

Kate as BLUE BUNNY WITH PINK EARS (my directions to my mother when making said costume were very specific, even at age 3!). My brother Paul as a leopard.

And now, this year Lauren is going to wear my old costume, thanks to her Nana!

oh she looks so sad and lonely from the back.

Her ears won't stand up. We'll have to fix that when Nana gets here on Wednesday night. I think it corresponds with her solemn expression!

Those blue eyes get me EVERY time. Love you, Bunny!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What Is Up With That???

So...last night Lauren was quite insistent on wearing not her whole jacket, but just the hood on her way home from school. This continued all the way through dinner. She called it her hat. We really didn't "get" it, but she was just eating away, so we decided it was not our place to question such a harmless (and wacky) request.

Whatever floats her boat, I guess... I am thinking this is not the only time her stubborn independent streak will appear. :)

Have I mentioned she REFUSES her much debated booster seat and will only sit in a chair like Mama and Daddy??

Picking My Battles in Atlanta,
Your Blogger Kate

Crazy Girls Weekend

Todd went camping with his childhood friends Brad, Jeff, and Jamie this past weekend, so Lauren and I had a Girls Weekend at home. Friday I took her to get some Halloween photos taken (something for all my blog stalkers to look forward to!) and then we hung out at home. Here is a shot of Lauren wandering around the living room in Mommy's shoes. Bless her heart! She's already got big ol' feet for a 20 month old....and this is what she's got in her future....

She was very good for me, though there was one Time Out incident that involved 10 rolls of toilet paper and our guest bathroom, a quivering lip, and a solemn SAWWWY MAMA.

Saturday we went to Kindermusik and then planned to join Stephanie and baby Haylie for a jaunt up to Gold Rush Days in Dahlonega, GA, followed by a trip to Burt's Pumpkin Farm on our way home.

We were about 15 minutes away from our destination when Lauren vomited cheese (of all things!) all over herself, her carseat, and her ONLY outfit...her Halloween one no less *what else would she wear to the pumpkin farm?!? We quickly pulled over to the nearest gas station so I could get her out of her smelly, disgusting clothes, and cleaned up. She, naturally, was full of vim and vigor following said puking incident, so I had my hands full trying to keep her playing in the front seat, versus wandering around the gas station barefoot (Britney Spears, anyone??).

As I finally got everything cleaned up, and stopped gagging fom the stench, I was debating with Steph as to whether or not I should just find a cheap Walmart outfit to make it through our plans when I suddenly got STUNG BY A WASP ON MY ADAM'S APPLE of all places!!! Thank goodness I am not allergic, though it hurt and the swelling did not help the gagging sensations already happening in my world. Needless to say, we headed back down toward Atlanta, and stopped at the first pharmacy we saw so I could get something for my sting.

Lauren and Haylie slept the whole way home. Poor little Ladybug is naked except for her Halloween hairbows. She slept another 2.5 hours when we got home and woke up happy as can be!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

A Star Wars Birthday

Last weekend our nephew Jonathan had a Star Wars themed 5th birthday party. It was so fun, and Aunt Lisa went all out!

As the future Jedi arrived, they changed into their training tunics. Check out the princiess Leia buns/ponies on our little Jedi!

They ran some relays and played some games before trying on masks of characters from the movie. Here is our very own Yoda.

Then came time for light saber practice. Lauren LOVED this part.
Finally, they wrapped with Pizza the Hutt, and some cake. Todd and I had to go to an event for his school district, so Mimi and Papa Fish watched Lauren until the party was over, and then Aunt Lisa and Uncle Scott took over.

Lauren and Kaitlyn had TOO MUCH fun playing together, especially after the party. We could tell Lauren had fun by how dead to the world asleep she was in the car.

Happy 5th Birthday Jonathan!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Early Preschool Portraits

My Dear Blog Stalkers,

I know I've been lax about postings. The truth is that I have some photos from our visit to see Sesame Street Live with Elmo, but I can't seem to get them to transfer from Todd's camera to the PC correctly. So...I decided that since you got a video post most recently the "live action shots" would have to tide you over.

The good news for you is that Lauren's school pictures from her new classroom came in earlier this week. Hope you enjoy them as much as we have!

I love her expressions in these two shots. It's like she's amused by the antics of the photographer. I can just picture her saying, "You're quite silly, Mister".

There's her smile!!
This one is my favorite. She looks like such a BIG GIRL in this picture!

And, last but not least, her new class as of this Fall. Notice that she is the absolute youngest in the class by at least 2-3 months, and she is just as big as the 3 year olds in the back row that are getting ready to transition to the Preschool (aka "3 year old room") after the first of the year. She is doing so well in her new classroom...just flourishing!